"Empowering people to take their reproductive health into their own hands and approach it proactively... Success for us is opening up the conversation about fertility and seeing customers grow their families. We Want to see Fertility as part of everyday, normal conversation, not a hidden away topic that is boxed and shelved and closeted."

- Samantha Diamond and Breanna Hughes - Bird & Be
“Success would be feeling like I took Eve's Crackers as far as I possibly could. Eve's Crackers is a brand that inspires people to snack well, eat good food and have fun. Eve's would have widespread distribution across North America in grocery, travel convenience, and foodservice. We would have a team of people that are entrepreneurially spirited, kind, collaborative and inspired to grow our community.”

Eve Laird - Eve's Crackers
“Impact means creating a positive change in the lives of others… having a positive effect on even one person's life has ripple effects. Helping people live a more balanced life, feel stronger, and improve mental health can truly change the way someone shows up in the world, and who knows what they will accomplish with that power.
I believe small changes can create a big impact.”

- Barbie Bent - Jaybird & Lagree West
“We have created a really unique culture at GrantMe. Our team and customers are our biggest brand ambassadors. We have created a flywheel because we hire students directly from our platform to work for us. We have some really special stories of students that were customers and now work full-time with us. That flywheel is a really special part of our business. We have a young team and everyone is eager to grow. It is amazing what young people can achieve when they are given the tools to succeed.”

- Madison Guy - Grant Me
“Impact to me means being brave enough to challenge the status quo and pioneering new ways of doing things that make society better and more just for all of us. It means not accepting "but this is the way it's always been done" as an answer to the big challenges we're currently facing such as climate change, wealth inequality, food insecurity, and racism.“

-Katherine Backman - Nora's
“When I began this company in late 2013, it was to solve a problem that I was personally experiencing. I was trying to find wellness after an illness. I found nourishment from nature that I craved and believed to the core of my being would be healthful to me.”

- Melinda Divers - MoonShine Mamas
“Success to me means following my heart and intuition. Leading with compassion, truth and humility. Making relationships life. Unwavering connection and honesty to self. Serving as a light for others.”

- Jade Herrmann- Yoggu!